
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Thursday, October 28, 2010

So life's been pretty good lately. I moved out on October 11th and didn't get to sign on the new lease until the 21st. It was pretty scary for the 10 days in between. Alliance Residential company was being super "business as usual" when it came to getting the paperwork process done. It took even longer because when I wanted to make an appointment, the staff were "on retreat." LOL WTF? On retreat? For one day? What does that mean? Drinks at Kula Ranch? I had to hunt down a bunch of random people to get their signatures too. It was something about some "community advisor" and "community director." I met with the latter, and he signed off as both the CA & the CD. I ended up sleeping in a public laundry room for one night because I was worried about the alliance lady. She said I wasn't allowed to sleep there until I was on the lease, but then I was just like okay fuck this. why should i have to sleep in a laundry room? My new roommate said it was dumb, and I could crash there anytime I want because I had already given him the month's rent. So I started sleeping there eventually, but I felt a little uncomfortable since it wasn't official yet. I kept my bags and boxes packed, and sorta lived out of them until I think last Friday when I finally started unpacking. My new room is slowly starting to get set up. It's so nice living in an actual room now! At the previous place, I moved in the garage for more privacy and to just kind of get away from everything. It was so cold in there, and now I have carpet and warmth. I moved my bed directly under the heating ventilation that comes from the ceiling. I also set up my "PStEUDiO"---its basically just a section of my wall with a white sheet pulled tight and nailed over it. I do need to buy some more things, like a body pillow or two. I also wanted to have some photos or designs printed out and posted up to give it a little more character. Right now it's pretty much just my Lady Gaga collage.

Oh, and last week, I got my first real-world design client. It was a guy who was starting a computer repair service called "bright star computer services." The website is really lame ahahaha. I think the names retarded, and the guy asked me to design him a website. He needed a logo first, so I started making one. I'm horrible at graphic design, but I thought anything would be better than what he had so far. He was really weird actually too, he offered me wine and pot at the first consultation meeting @ his house. I offered him a lot of insight. First of all, I told him he totally needed to drop the LLC from the name because it seemed to me like only a scam-company or law firm would bother with including LLC. Anyways, I don't really feel like writing more about it anymore, but basically yeah...I got my foot in the door, convinced him that he needed something more than what he had in mind, and he was ready to offer me money. I'm bailing on him, and I don't think he wants to work with someone whose dayjob and school schedule come before his, but all in all I'm proud of myself for getting out there and marketing my talent.

And then there was last night. I had a run in with this guy I had met a while back. We almost kissed at some park in Schoonover, but he was a little too awkward for me. He actually asked to kiss me, and ended up totally ruining the moment. I was so ready for him to do it too! I just feel really weirded out when ppl ask tho, its like okay...why are u asking? Idk, I can't really explain it, I just...prefer it when people don't ask. I told him it wasn't a rejection tho, and I felt bad. I might like him and do think he's hot. We've kind of been sexting each other, and we actually have some really interesting plans ^_^

And TOMORROW...I'm excited! There's the stonewall dinner thing and I'm really excited for it. Steven's gonna be there, and I think two of my other favorite people are gonna attend too. Steven and I are supposed to come back to my new place to have a sleepover/photoshoot. All in all, I think I'm really enjoying life and I'm so glad I'm still living. Fuck. It's just really nice to live.

Live the life you love and love the life you live. And have sex. And be happy. And do what you want. This is my advice to the world.